Urology and Nephrology Center
Diseases of the urogenital system. Providing diagnostic and treatment services for urological diseases with modern technology from initial screening to treatment and prevention by a team of specialized doctors.

- Urine analysis, Urine culture, Urine cytology
- Measure the strength of urination with an uroflowmetry machine.
- Urine residue measurement with Bladder Scan
- Urological ultrasound examination; Kidney and bladder disease assessment (KUB Ultrasonography)
- Magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose prostate cancer (MRI Prostate Gland)
- Prostate biopsy to diagnose prostate cancer (TRUS Prostate Biopsy)
Minor surgery
- Circumcision
- Permanent sterilization in men (Vasectomy)
- Surgical electric pendant treatment of penile lesions such as warts, small tumors, etc.
Endoscopic examination in the urology
- Flexible Cystoscopy, mainly for the diagnosis of bladder cancer.
- Ureterorenoscopy (URS) is used to treat stones and cancer in the urinary system.
Treatment of urinary stones with a stone breakdown machine and laser
- Endoscopic removal of bladder stones (Cystolitholapaxy, Cystolithotripsy)
- Endoscopic removal of ureteral stones (URSL)
- Endoscopic removal of kidney stones (FURSL, RIRS)
- Treatment of kidney and ureteral stones with transcutaneous shock wave firing (ESWL)
Treatment of enlarged prostate with endoscopy
- Treatment of enlarged prostate with steam (Rezum)
- Endoscopic prostate surgery using a bipolar TUR-P
Laparoscopic treatment of bladder cancer
- Laparoscopic bladder tumor surgery (TUR-BT) screening and surgery for cancer in the urinary system, including cancer of the prostate, kidney, ureter, bladder, genitals, testicles
Male Health Diseases
- Semen Analysis
- Testosterone Level
- Varicocele treatment with microsurgical varicocelectomy to correct chronic pain and increase sperm volume.
- Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome;
- เสื่อมสมรรถภาพทางเพศ (Erectile Dysfunction) รวมถึงภาวะหลั่งเร็วผิดปกติ (Premature ejaculation); การตรวจวินิจฉัย, ใช้ยา, การผ่าตัดใส่แกนอวัยวะเพศเทียม (Penile Prosthesis)

Doctor :
Urology and Nephrology Center
Urology and Nephrology Center
Urology and Nephrology Center
นพ.จิรายุส ไมตรีสถิต
Urology and Nephrology Center