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Company Information

Thainakarin Hospital PCL
Thainakarin Hospital has earned trust and respect from the general public since the early establishment. The success in excellent care comes from the world class quality in health care, warm hospitality that treats everyone like family, affordable price, effective and transparent management, and positive attitude staff.

Company Information

Corporate Governance Policy

Nature of Business

Management Team

Mr. Thiti Sihanatkathakul
Chief Executive Officer
Prof. Pittayapoom Pattaranutaporn, M.D.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Clinical Prof. Thipachart Punyaratabandhu, M.D.
Hospital Director and Medical Director

Board of Directors

Charoen Meensook, M.D.
Chairman of the Board
Mr. Prapat Suthawate
Arkom Cheirsilpa, M.D.
Mr. Thiti Sihanatkathakul
Prof. Pittayapoom Pattaranutaporn, M.D.
Mr. Tosaporn Sihanatkathakul
Col. Dan Tanphaichitra, M.D.
Mr. Kraisak Kadkum
Director, Independent Director and
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Assoc. Prof. Chertsak Dhiraputra, M.D.
Director, Independent Director and
Member of the Audit Committee
Assoc. Prof. Panya Issarawornrawanich Ph.D.
Director, Independent Director and
Member of the Audit Committee
นายวิรัตน์ ลัทธิวงศกร

Shareholding Structure

Corporate Governance Structure